About us
Our Mission
Wilson Youth Baseball
What is different about WYB? WYB is a parent and community based organization committed to our mission statement of "Teaching integrity, respect, and sportsmanship on the field and in the game of life". Our collective objective is to make each child better baseball players, better teammates, and better members of society. In order to solidify the accomplishment of our collective objectives, we have affiliated WYB with Cal Ripken, and Babe Ruth Baseball. Our involvement with these nationally recognized and respected organizations will hold us accountable to our mission and goals with respect to their established rules, code of conduct, and policy of transparency with parents. In addition with recognizing the strong quality of baseball in Berks County we also compete in the PA Legion Prep and City County Senior League.
What are the Opening Day festivities? We now have our opening day festivities at First Energy Stadium home of the Reading Phillies. We started this in 2017 and it was a huge success. The kids get announced onto the field and then parade around the outfield of the stadium. We also do Team pictures and Wilson High School baseball plays at the stadium against one of their rivals. In 2018 we will have this as a joint venture with MAYBA and our the Wilson Bulldogs will play Mifflin. Jack Williams Tire is title sponsor on the event.
How do I register? Registration is done through our Team Snap account. We also have an open house every season to go over program offerings and questions you may have.
When is the registration deadline? Registration begins in December and will remain open until towards the end of January. Check the registration page for information and resources.
What age does my child need to be to participate? We currently welcome any child from the ages of 5 to 18 to participate in WYB.
What are the age groups? The following 5 age groups and affiliations will be offered to WYB players: (5-6) tee ball, (6-7) A, (7-8) AA, (9-10) AAA, (11-12) Majors, (13-15) Legion Prep, Babe Ruth (16-18) City County Senior.
Can my child play up? All players will be evaluated through multiple training sessions prior to team selections and the beginning of play. We want to challenge all players and improve their skill sets regardless of their current ability. In situations where exceptional talent level exists, we will make a decision based on a consensus of coaches regarding the merit of a younger, more talented player moving up.
How is my child placed on a team? For 2018 we will bring back elementary school spirit that the Wilson schools once had in baseball. Those adults who grew up here always speak so fondly of it and we listened. So, this season all kids 8 years and under will be playing on teams comprised of all boys from their schools. It will allow them to have the most fun amongst friends. In addition it will logistically allow those players to practice at their schools rather parents driving across the district. For those 9 years and older, prior to the beginning of the season we will be conducting clinics/training at no cost to the parents. Through hours of evaluation, our coaches will be able to assess their skill level. A draft will be conducted and teams will be formulated to ensure that each team will have players from all skill levels.
Can I request a specific coach? Parents are welcome to request a coach. We will do our best to accommodate all requests, however, we cannot guarantee placement. In an effort to reach parity within each team, placing all players with their coach of choice may not be feasible.
Can I request to be on a team with a friend? We feel at the younger levels with elementary school pairing we have solved this issue. At the older ages you are welcome to do so and we will accommodate as best we can.
When will I know what team my child is on? The younger ages will know in mid February. The older kids, once our draft is complete, will be notified individually by the coach of their team.
When does the LWYB season start and end? The season is slated to begin in April and end in Early June.
When will I know game and practice schedules? Once the draft is complete and teams are selected, your child's coach will provide you with a practice and game schedule.
How many games will my child play? The season will be dependent upon the age group for your child. Younger players will play 14 games and older players will play 16-20 games. That is the most of any organization in the county.
Where are games played? The majority of games will be played at Liberty Fields and other field throughout the Wilson School District. Other games will be played at opposing teams’ fields throughout the county
What are the playing time rules? All playing requirements will be governed by the rules of Little League Baseball, Cal Ripken, Babe Ruth, and Pa Legion Prep.
Are there any fundraising requirements? Parents and children will not be required to be involved in a fundraiser or be charged a fundraising fee. Parent and Business donations are encouraged and appreciated.
What equipment does my child need? The essentials: glove, hat, long pants, and preferable cleats. All other equipment will be provided prior to the beginning of the season.
Does WYB provide training for coaches? We will have training sessions for coaches over the winter months to instill our philosophy of teaching and coaching the children.
Do girls play baseball? We have had a number of girls participate in tball and are in the process of looking to expand into Softball.
Are scholarships available? Our goal is for every child who loves the game of baseball to be afforded the opportunity to play with WYB. We are in the midst of creating a scholarship program to assist families who are experiencing financial difficulties
Can I sponsor a team? Yes! As mentioned above we believe in the sponsorship system its ability to bring the community together as one. Last season we had over 25 sponsors who participated.
Are there tournament teams? Yes, there will be tournament teams evaluated and selected based on ability that will have the opportunity to play during and after the completion of the regular season. We are proud of their success as our Little League and Cal Ripken teams won the District Championship at the 12u, 11u and 10u Level. In addition our 9u team was the runner up. More proof that our kids are becoming better players.
How can I volunteer? We are a community based organization made up of parents just like you! We have many great plans and have made a conscious decision to pursue only those we can execute properly. Our historic growth is due to each parent treating this organization as their own. We look forward to you and your child joining us on this exciting journey in year two.
How are WYB board members elected? In order to affiliate with national organizations we are required to submit an initial board of directors that will have a term two years. However, we are an organization in the community so every paying member of Wilson Youth Baseball will always have a vote in any affair, elections included. The bottom line is this organization is not built on titles, and rarely will you ever hear one of our members identify themselves in that fashion. The goal of WYB is simple…it’s all about the kids.